In the World of Goo, the main character is a female Mac. She has her own private project. The main protagonist is working on a project to create a new mobile application. This application will help improve the communication between different people. Her goal is to get more people to purchase the application so she can make more money.
The game is very easy to play. It is similar to the classic "clicker" games. The main character takes care of the mouse cursor. The goal is to click as many squares as possible. You will find that after clicking the first few squares, you will get bored and do not want to click anymore. This is where the application gives you an alternative to earn money through the game.
You will need a Mac with OS X to download the free downloadable game. The application is found on the internet for free. You will find hundreds of websites where you can download the application for free. You can install the application in your Macintosh. Open the application and then click the box that says Macromedia Flash Player. After this you should have the option to Download Macromedia Flash Player.